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Malaysian Researchers use Manchester’s Hypersonic Wind Tunnel to evaluate hybrid flow control devices that reduce shockwave-induced flow separation.

Funded by STFC-Malaysia Newton fund, a team of researchers from the Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia undertook experiments in the hypersonic wind tunnel at The University of Manchester for three weeks in November 2021. The aim of the project is to investigate shockwave control using hybrid micro vortex generators… read more

MENtOR testing begins at Cranfield 8×6 wind tunnel.

The MENtOR rotor test rig is currently being tested at the NWTF 8×6 wind tunnel at the University of Cranfield. MENtOR is a test program developed by the UK Vertical Lift Network (UKVLN) to develop simulation tools and experimental facilities for rotorcraft research. This program enables high quality… read more

£220,000 award helps Surrey fight air pollution and airborne pathogens

A £220,000 award from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) will provide state-of-the-art equipment to help Surrey tackle air pollution and airborne pathogens, says Dr Marco Placidi of our Centre for Aerodynamics and Environmental Flow. “Surrey’s EnFlo facility is unique in the UK and it’s one of the few wind tunnels in the world in… read more