Management Board
Management board Terms of Reference:
- To develop effective policies for management of the NWTF, with particular reference to its long-term sustainability
- To foster external usage of the national facilities (for up to 25% of time) consistent with KPIs
- To meet quarterly to review access to and charge-out rates for NWTF
- To keep under review the proposed charging model
- To manage access effectively, including transparency via a website
- To demonstrate best practice with regard to the conduct of appropriate experiments
- To promote NWTF in national, international and industrial communities and bring it to the attention of researchers undertaking relevant work
- To bring NWTF to the attention of possible funding agencies.
The NWTF project manager will arrange for the minutes of meetings to be taken and liaise with the
Advisory Board
Management board members:
Name | Organisation |
Professor Jonathan Morrison (Chair) | Imperial College London |
Claire Mc Namara | NWTF Head of Operations |
Dr Mike Jesson | University of Birmingham |
Dr David Soper | University of Birmingham |
Professor Holger Babinsky | University of Cambridge |
Professor Gary Page | University of Loughborough |
Professor Bharath Ganapathisubramani | University of Southampton |
Professor Mahdi Azarpeyvand | University of Bristol |
Professor Simon Prince | Cranfield University |
Dr Chetan Jagadeesh | City University London |
Dr Richard Green | University of Glasgow |
Professor Shan Zhong | University of Manchester |
Professor Matt McGilvray | University of Oxford |
Dr Dave Birch | University of Surrey |
Christina Vanderwel | University of Southampton |
Harry Simpson | ATI |
Prof Olivier Cadot | University of Liverpool |
Prof Peter Ireland | University of Oxford |
Prof David Gillespie | University of Oxford |