Advisory Board
Advisory Board Terms of Reference V04:
The NWTF Advisory Board will be selected to have representation from the following key stakeholders:
- UK and international Academic experts in aerodynamics;
- User representatives from different sectors e.g. aero, auto, energy, the environment and agencies (e.g. DLR, JAXA, ESA) including an SME representative;
- A wind-tunnel manager;
- An Existing National Facility Manager/Director (mentoring role);
- Representatives from the sponsors of NWTF (EPSRC and ATI)
Role: The NWTF Advisory Board advises the Management Board (MB) of the NWTF on the following topics:
- To develop an overview of the NWTF programme, with particular reference to its broader aims.
- To monitor, review and make recommendations on progress versus Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set by the MB, advise the MB on priorities, and when necessary, make recommendations on usage.
- To offer advice on new facilities – especially those that are scientifically competitive internationally
- developments and organisations both outside and within the scientific community.
- Offer advice on strategic improvements on existing facilities.
- To maintain interactive and pro-active involvement and communication with NWTF, generally promote NWTF in the international and industrial communities and bring it to the attention of researchers undertaking related work.
- To bring NWTF to the attention of possible funding agencies and donors.
- To identify suitable potential affiliates.
- To identify gaps in NWTF coverage.
The NWTF AB will meet twice annually as appropriate and by agreement between the management team and the sponsors.
The NWTF project manager will arrange for the minutes of meetings to be taken and disseminated in a timely fashion and will act as liaison with the Management and Advisory Boards.
Advisory Board Members:
Name | Organisation | Sector | Location |
Adrian Gaylard | JLR | Automotive | UK |
Paul White | Airbus | Aerospace | UK |
Shigeru Hamamoto | JAXA | Aerospace | Japan |
Ian Smith | Qinetiq | Aerospace | UK |
Andrew Alsop | ARUP | Civil Engineering | UK |
Azeddine Kourta | University of Orléans | Academic | France |
Ed Duell | Jacobs | Automotive | USA |
Volker Buttgereit | FD Global | Civil Engineering | UK |
David Sims-Williams | Durham University | Academic / Automotive | UK |
Ashley Evans | Boeing | Aerospace | UK |
Alistair Revell | University of Manchester | Academic / CFD | UK |
Stuart Gates | ETW | Aerospace | Germany |
Ivan Marusic | University of Melbourne | Academic / Fluid Mechanics | Australia |
Chris Murphy | BAE | Aerospace | UK |
Isabella Fumarola | Imperial College London | Academic / Aerospace | UK |
Nigel Taylor | MBDA | Aerospace | UK |
Steve Rowley | QinetiQ | Aerospace | UK |
Johan Steelant | ESA | Agency | Netherlands |
Jean Paul Bonnet | University of Poitiers | Academic | France |
Joe Coppin | DSTL | Aerospace | UK |
Joel Walter | Jacobs | Automotive | USA |
David Roberts | ARA | Aerospace | UK |
Edward Jinks | GE | Aerospace | UK |
Kwing-so Choi | University of Nottingham | Academic | UK |
Harry Simpson | ATI | Funding body | UK |
Kevin Gouder | Imperial College London | Academic / Tunnel Manager | UK |
Eleanor Rajaratnam | Aston Martin F1 Team | Automotive | UK |
Raul Vazquez-Diaz | Rolls-Royce | Aerospace | UK |
Marko Bacic | Rolls-Royce | Aerospace | UK |
Jens Fransson | KTH | Academic | Sweden |
Guido Dietz | ETW | Aerospace | Germany |
Tariq Saeed | ARUP | Civil Engineering | Canada |